Friday, 24 August 2018

Saturday Salvo!

So what did I say? Satuday Salvo is back! This is just a little catch up post about what I'm upto, and anything that takes my interest in the world of tabletop. Before I carry on... behold... RESIN PORN!

This impressive individual, is Anacharis Scoria of the Dark Mechanicus soon to be available from Forge World. This guy is absolutely stunning, hes like a daddy defiler from which the defiler grew in numbers and size. Genuinely love this miniature and wondering about conversions! 

Tooth and Claw is released today, the new 40k boxed set that pits the Genestealer Cult vs Space Wolves in Primaris form. Some nice miniatures on both sides, and I may pick up the character pieces to knock up one day. In a painting kinda way obviously. 

Myself, I've been hurriedly painting away at the Chaos Chosen team for Blood Bowl and Questoris Knights for Adeptus Titanicus.

Chaos Chosen are almost done, transfers have been placed on and just finetuning some of the details before they get a coat of matt varnish, get shot (with a camera!) and then go up for sale. I've really enjoyed painting them, although I'm still learning to paint and get a contrast between areas of skin and fur. 

I've numbered the Chaos Warriors 1-4, Beastmen 5-12 and then the Minotaur (yes, theres a frenzy stoked minotaur being painted up too) number 16. I've got the Elven Union team still on sprues I may get built in the next week and started too, tempted with a brighter more outlandish colour scheme for those but shall see!

Another kit I've really enjoyed building and painting are the Questoris Knights. 

The detail on these guys are really good, even at the much smaller scale they pack a lot of bits in that make it look impressively close to its 40k scaled brethren. I'll ve very tempted to get some more of these and maybe even a Warlord to try building and paint up, but first these need some more work, transfers applied and to sell! 

Now excuse me for just a few moments, I need to swoon over this image. 

Isn't she just a beaut? Orktober is introducing not just a new Codex for the Orks but also a boxed game called Speed Freeks, which includes among another buggy, some bikes, and possibly some unknown other miniatures, the hopes and dreams of many more kits. There are so many things of the Orks that deserve an upgrade.... Deffkoptas, HQ choices, I'd absolutely love GW to release a box that literally just contains bitz. Armour panels, guns, rokkits, grot crew, wheels, just a box full of random orky wotnotz that can be glued onto existing kits (not just ork kits either) to make many kustom vehicles. Rules wise looted wagons need to come back, an invulnerable save option for a warboss would be lovely too! 

I've seen the rumour about the clan rules which seem cool, but I'll not wonder too much about that currently as its unsure if they are true or simply someone wishlisting. I can deffo see something like that though so who knows. Theres also been a lot of talk about a 'Prime-Ork'. Ghazgkull ascending to some sort of god hood? Who knows, it'd be nice to have something a bit mental like that, not just in terms of miniature or rules, but in the narrative. With a possible Armageddon encounter that could rebirth Angron its possible something awakens in the Ork world to help them combat the reappearence of Primarchs. Plus a huge Ork stomping around always looks good! 

Whats everyone else been working on? I've got a busy week coming up getting some D&D miniatures and a first session to get ready, as well as get the next batch of miniatures started. Hopefully this is just the first in a new batch of Saturday Salvo, where I'll have at least a once a week post to get written up. I should however be posting a couple of updates midweek too regarding news and my thoughts or updates on current projects. I'm also hoping I can rope in a couple of other contributers too!

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Ongoing Heresy

Yup, you heard right. Heresy.

But what heresy you may ask? The heresy, and its a punishable offence at that, is that I've once again cast my thoughts away from Death By Die, allowing dust to gather in the corners, servitors to wander aimlessly around wondering why they haven't been programmed, and mutants are starting to gather outside. 

Well, it may feel like deja vu but lets try and get this going back at a steady rate shall we? News wise, theres been a few things. A few months were taken out of regular life as there was a family illness, yup... the 'C' word. My Primarch, Papa Rowland is well on his way to recovering though and things are getting back to normal. Whatever normal is! 

Also, I've I mentioned way back on my last post, I've started painting. A lot. I've slapped a few examples from some of the miniatures I've painted, theres some I did for a client I know that I need to pinch back to do some better images of. But here, is some Necromunda!

All the gangs so far have been fantastic to work with, the shield that comes with the Van Saar makes me want to do a few as Crusaders for my Astra Militarum force. Also, I painted this guy!

I gave this guy to my Blood Reavering friend Gav to add to his Khorne force, I even got to kill him!

Currently I'm working on a Chaos Chosen team which will be going up for sale in the next few days, I also picked up three Questoris Knights from the new Adetpus Titanicus which I'll also show some wip pics of soon. 

I've also been getting into Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Champions, a great card game by PlayFusion set in the AoS world. I've gone for Chaos and Death, favouring Death currently and Bam has opted for Order and Destruction, with a preference for Destruction. Cause Bams like that. Hes beaten me more so far but we had some close games, one of which felt like an epic battle of Warhammer which I absolutely loved. Bam kept damaging me in bursts while I slowly whittled him down, slowly regainging little bits of health where I could. He sent me to the grave but being Death, I got back out! It wasn't enough however and Bam managed to again send me packing but it was so much fun. I need more boosters! 

So thats how things are currently, as well as other things such as a 40k escalation league in which I've taken Orks, re-doing my Space Marine chapter cause, well we all like a bit of pain and getting ready to start a D&D campaign in which I'm Dungeon Mastering, and providing a lot of miniatures for. More on all these things soon! I'm hopeful about remembering my intention to do Saturday Salvo again, shall see!

Theres that deja vu again......